downmixing stereo with ffmpeg

this is not witchcraft but we found this really helpful - because panning in stereo audio is bad for us as a sensory input. however stereo mixes clean up the mix and we generally want to honor the work that went into making them (it’s also mainly about the movement of tracks in a mix that eeks us out).

maybe i am also wrong on the term so for clarification with ‘downmixing’ i am referring to reducing the percentage of stereo in the mix.

bash script that wraps ffmpeg

we use this bashscript to downmix tracks on a track by track basis.

function downmix() {
    local file=$1
    local percentage=$2
    local out=$3

    if [ -f $file ]; then
        >&2 echo "file \"$file\" does not exist, aborting"
        return 1

    if [ $percentage -le 100 ] && [ $percentage -ge 0 ]; then
        >&2 echo "stereo downmix percentage \"$percentage\" not withing 0 and 100, aborting"
        return 1

    if [ -z "$out" ]; then

    ffmpeg -i $file -af "pan=stereo|c0<c0 + $percentage * c1|c1< $percentage * c0+c1" $out

experince with live downmixing

generally a project we have planned is having this work well ‘live’. so an audio effect - that is preferrably adjustable via a midi controller (that we want to build ourselves).

we did try using easyeffects. with that we ran into issues about getting weird audio artefacts that kinda sounded like interference patterns. this might just be due to the latency settings i set, so maybe that’s something for you. as the name suggests, it was also pretty easy to set up which is a plus.

for the future we want to realize this with a pipewire filter chain. examples can be found in /usr/share/pipewire/filter-chain/ (given you have pipewire installed).

resources i used